Autumn on Bascom Hill November 2009 – 3

Here are some photos of Bascom Hill in the autumn of 2009. In autumn this is a very colorful place. This is one of my favorite places to photograph, and it is especially beautiful in autumn.

It was an especially nice autumn, although I think I did miss the very peak of the colors. I was fortunate to obtain a number of really nice photos. After doing lots of processing, sorting, collating, and other related activities, I am finally bringing to you the last of a series of photos on the autumn topic for Bascom Hill.

The second photo below is one of my favorites.

colorful bushes

Continue reading Autumn on Bascom Hill November 2009 – 3

Raw HTML in WordPress posts

Some technical tips on doing complex html (and related items) in WordPress

I struggled a bit trying to get raw HTML into a blog post. I did some experimenting with some techniques and I searched the internet for solutions. I collected a few links and other notes below.

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Some links on HTML related issues

There is really a lot of help on the internet. Here are some other links I have found.

  • Converting html to word press.
  • Some chat help is available with WordPress.
  • Here is an assortment of really excellent tips and tricks. There are lots of excellent PHP methods here.
  • This post discusses some useful tricks if you are using Word.
  • This problem of entering raw HTML into WordPress is solved by installing this "raw html" word press plug in. This post is done using this plug in using raw HTML.

Other notes - verify your web pages

  • Then it is a good idea to verify the html that you just created, so that it is free of errors. Do this before you upload the html. To do this, I use this online website validator. (Also see the word press documentation on validation.) If it passes this test, then it is good html. Miraculously, complex blog pages can pass such rigorous validation tests. For example, I have been lucky enough to have my entire main page pass this validation, which is incredible, given the complexity of the blog page.

This post was updated in March, 2017. It is an amazingly popular post.

Look it’s a cutie pie fish

Cutie pie fish (cpf) are a favorite sketch topic of mine. But look out if you get a little smac from a cutie pie fish.

This is a painting.

This cutie pie fish doesn’t have a name yet.

Cutie pie fish
Cutie pie fish

This image is used for the “fish bullets” that appear as the list icons in the bullet lists in these blog pages. This is an awful lot of work to get a list icon image. But cutie pie fish are worth it. I really like good cutie pie fish.

Word press layout and other online help links

Word press layout and other online help links

I have begun trying to do some simple customizations to my blog. There is really a lot of help on the internet regarding getting help with word press. Here are a few links on doing word press customizations and other things that I have found useful. Continue reading Word press layout and other online help links

Fish art sketch

Fish, and in particular “cutie pie fish”, are a favorite sketch topic of mine. 

cutie pie fish
Cutie pie fish

The little “fish bullet” used in place of an ordinary bullet in my bullet lists is another cutie pie fish sketch. (It’s a really cute fish.) Hopefully more fish sketches will appear here in the not-too-distant future. 

I used the term cpf in place of “cutie pie fish”.

The cpf first started appearing in the ubiquitous magazine called SMV, Jr., an obnoxious art and fiction magazine created by myself around the year 2004. Some of these cpf sketches may appear there along with associated fictional stories.

WordPress style adjustments

Here are a few notes on Word press.

Some word press style tweaks

I have been tweaking with Word press and find that it is reasonably flexible in being able to do the kinds of renderings that one wants to do. I am doing this post in html just to see how it works. This is my first html post. I am sure that I'm still an amateur at a lot of this stuff - there are really a lot of nice looking blogs out there.

I created a few styles in the style sheet to accommodate things that I would like to do. The style sheet for this theme is called style.css. You take it off of the server and edit it to make your changes. I pasted in some of my personal styles that I use often.

This is not the first time I have tweaked styles. It seems that I have spent a good part of my life trying to get those CSS styles just right.

Indented text. I want to have the ability to indent and to highlight stuff.

Times font. It takes a bit of tweaking to get this size of the "times" font right. I want to be able to render times, since this is such a standard font.

And here is an ordinary paragraph.

  • And this is a bullet item. A fish bullet should show.
  • It took me a ton of time to try to get this fish icon working. And it's not quite right yet. Maybe it says that I prefer fish to bullets.
  • The editor that word press provides is nice and has spoiled me a bit. It is very easy to use. On the contrary, doing the "raw html", as in this post, not only puts hair on your chest, takes a lot longer, but also greatly increases the likelihood of making errors.

And here we are back out of the dotted outline section. This entry is a lot of gibberish, but I am testing some of these new styles.

About the greatest test in life is to create a table. An even greater test is to try to do it in word press.

Well I'm not going to mess with the table styles. It looks pretty complicated.

If I get bold I might mess with the hover characteristics of the table, but not now.

Well this post took well over an hour (more like two or three). There are times when it's probably worth the trouble. And it's good to know that it can be done even though you always do not want to take the time.

Well I had to update this post a number of times. I made really a lot of errors. I had an immense amount of trouble. It's never as easy as it looks.

update 9 on Dec. 26.