Raw HTML in WordPress posts

Some technical tips on doing complex html (and related items) in WordPress

I struggled a bit trying to get raw HTML into a blog post. I did some experimenting with some techniques and I searched the internet for solutions. I collected a few links and other notes below.

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Some links on HTML related issues

There is really a lot of help on the internet. Here are some other links I have found.

  • Converting html to word press.
  • Some chat help is available with WordPress.
  • Here is an assortment of really excellent tips and tricks. There are lots of excellent PHP methods here.
  • This post discusses some useful tricks if you are using Word.
  • This problem of entering raw HTML into WordPress is solved by installing this "raw html" word press plug in. This post is done using this plug in using raw HTML.

Other notes - verify your web pages

  • Then it is a good idea to verify the html that you just created, so that it is free of errors. Do this before you upload the html. To do this, I use this online website validator. (Also see the word press documentation on validation.) If it passes this test, then it is good html. Miraculously, complex blog pages can pass such rigorous validation tests. For example, I have been lucky enough to have my entire main page pass this validation, which is incredible, given the complexity of the blog page.

This post was updated in March, 2017. It is an amazingly popular post.

Look it’s a cutie pie fish

Cutie pie fish (cpf) are a favorite sketch topic of mine. But look out if you get a little smac from a cutie pie fish.

This is a painting.

This cutie pie fish doesn’t have a name yet.

Cutie pie fish
Cutie pie fish

This image is used for the “fish bullets” that appear as the list icons in the bullet lists in these blog pages. This is an awful lot of work to get a list icon image. But cutie pie fish are worth it. I really like good cutie pie fish.