I am enamored with Van Gough’s Terrace Cafe painting. It is such an amazing rendering of life at that time. In an incredibly much smaller sense, I try to capture some of the fun people are having in those nice little street side cafes.
Tag Archives: street cafe photos
Dropped Phone
Someone really dropped their phone. The person said that this was one bad drop (and that it was).
It has been a while since I have seen a phone that banged up.
Food shots on State Street – spring 2013
I walk by lots of people eating attractive and tasty food.
These dishes are all being eaten outdoors in those quaint little street side cafes.
State Street cafe lifestyle – June 2012
State Street is a mecca of photographic opportunity. The European style street cafes present a variety of nice images that reflect on the lifestyle. I show a few such images below.
Street Cafe Still Scenes II – Autumn 2010
Here are some shots of street cafe lifestyle.
Street Cafe Still Scenes – Autumn 2010
I am pleased to present another of a series of still photos on the topic of street side cafes. I think there are some nice photos here, and I spent quite a lot of time doing processing. Many turned out really nicely.
I stroll down State Street and often interrupt people in the middle of their ongong lifestyle so that I can get a shot of that lifestyle. They often ask me what I do with the photos, and one of the places that they end up is on the internet in this blog.
“Excuse me, do you mind if I interrupt your ongoing lifestyle long enough to try to capture it with my camera” is what I sometimes say. Most of the time people say yes.
Topics are: “forks and spoons and food, cell phones, coffee, and cigarettes.”
Some street side cafe images
Images of street side cafes are always interesting to me.
Two laptops …
This fellow was composing music.
Walk down State Street in early April
This series of photos was shot around April 1, 2010 and covers the area up and down State Street.
It was an unusually warm day and the temperature was around 80 degrees. Below people are seen in their t-shirts and yet the trees are barren.
Walk down State Street in late March
Towards the end of March in 2010 I went for a stroll down State Street and captured a few images and a few moments. I am a regular “street photographer” (and musician too), and there is a nearly endless variety and interestingness on this street. This is an interesting place to photograph because it is always different every time you walk down the street.
Some street cafe images
A never ending interesting photographic topic is the nearly endless variety of lifestyle displayed in the luscious little street side cafes on State Street.
Rolls and butter are making me hungry.