Category Archives: Photography

George Schils Photography. Also see the main photo page.

A September Football Saturday

A football Saturday in Madison is quite exhilarating. From early on, you can feel the tension – the party feel – in the air. It just feels different. It feels like a party everywhere. You go about your tasks and you cannot help but see the people everywhere – all in red.

When the game time is near you can see the flocks of people – streams of people – all in red – going to the game. They flock down University Ave, they pour out of the dorms and flock down Dayton Ave, and people flock down Randall Ave. When I see people pouring out of the dorms like this, I wonder if there is anyone left in the dorms. Football Saturday is so universal. You can just feel the charge in the air!

Read more with over 20 really nice pictures

Street Cafe Still Scenes – Autumn 2010

I am pleased to present another of a series of still photos on the topic of street side cafes. I think there are some nice photos here, and I spent quite a lot of time doing processing. Many turned out really nicely.

I stroll down State Street and often interrupt people in the middle of their ongong lifestyle so that I can get a shot of that lifestyle. They often ask me what I do with the photos, and one of the places that they end up is on the internet in this blog.

“Excuse me, do you mind if I interrupt your ongoing lifestyle long enough to try to capture it with my camera” is what I sometimes say. Most of the time people say yes.

Topics are: “forks and spoons and food, cell phones, coffee, and cigarettes.”

See several more nice images