The first farmer’s market is always kind of exciting, and it occurred just last Saturday (April 20). There was a better turnout than I expected and also considering the cold weather of around 35 degrees. There was lots of nice merchandise. Madison’s farmer’s market is one of the best in the nation.
Tag Archives: farmer’s market photography
Vegetables at June 9 Farmer’s Market
I snapped some photos of vegetables at the June 9 farmer’s market. There are lots of photo opportunities here, and this is one of the nicest farmer’s markets in the nation.
Pretty flower photos from summer 2009
Here are a few flower photos. I find flowers to be quite difficult to photograph. Some of the shots below are close ups.
These photographs were taken sometime during the last summer at the Madison farmer’s market.
Well, I’m not very verbose for once. You’ll just have to let the pictures do the talking.
These pictures are best viewed large. However, clicking on each photo gives a much higher resolution version.
Pretty flower arrangement
(Click on the image to see much higher resolution. Note that this is copyrighted.)