Fine arts
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This page presents some links that I would loosely classify as being in the fine arts area. I consider the large majority of web pages to be in the "fine art" league. It takes the right combination of writing and art to get those web pages "just right." It is amazing how much clever and innovative material I have run into, and how incredibly good people are. In fact, it almost takes a fine arts major to do web pages. Geek ability alone just does not cut it here. I try to present some of the fine arts sampling below. It is very easy to misclassify material in this fine arts category. Almost any item can be put in this league. A few miscellaneous entries are listed below.
More items:
There are an amazing number of fine arts blogs in the internet. Here are some fine arts blogs pertaining to themes such as sewing, cooking, design, quilting, fashion, etc. Much stunning photography, illustration, and art are also found at these blog links.
The internet is revolutionizing video. YouTube and other video sites have permanently changed its face. A list of some YouTube videos is given on this page. I am in the process of collecting some nice photography links. Of course, there is very much good stuff to be found on the internet. Although I take pictures, I also greatly admire the work of many other photographers. I am continuing to collect references to many of my favorite California Highway One photos (and others).
Here are some individual photographers whom I admire.
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