
This is the main web page for mathematics pertaining to George Schils. Actually it is not a main page but is intended to point to the current main mathematics page. This page is a summary and contains a few quick links.

The amount of material that appears here can fluctuate greatly.

I do engage in various sorts of mathematics study, applications, experimentation, and computation.


Links to interesting work appear here from time to time.


Some work on number theory related to Ramanujan has transpired in the year 2003. I am mentioned on the internet at this site, where I was able to augment some work done by Ramamurthi. The fractions results that he lists are the most amazing results I have ever seen.


I try to engage in studies that are mathematical and that may have some kind of practical value.

For example, I do various kinds of spread sheet calculations and graphics. Some of this pertains to finance for example.

Finance and Economics

Some finance and economics results have been presented in the past and more results will be presented here in the future. This pertains to basic financial research, such as estimating the overall growth of the stock market and things like that. It's numbers, basically, but of interest to you. I do not do research on what stocks to buy. For that you need to go elsewhere.