Applied mathematics pages

by FEREGO Research

Applied mathematics is one of FEREGO's interests. It is not our only interest of course. This web page collects some of our results from applied mathematics research and also contains various sets of references to other mathematics sources.

Our interests

Our interests span many areas of mathematics but are mainly focused on classical subjects such as engineering classical analysis. Our interests will probably expand over time. At some future time we more state our interests more specifically. There is quite a large lists of things that we would like to learn, and we are working slowly on improving our pure and applied mathematical abilities.

Mathematical interests and computer interest are closely related. Our interest in mathematics is also reflected in our interest in computers. This page may also contain results pertaining to computer aspects of applied mathematics.


This page collects items that are of a less popular nature and that are more academically flavored. This page is specifically limited to results and research that has been performed by FEREGO. Compilations of references to outside work is extensive and are given elsewhere.

  1. Abstracts. Results are collected here in more of a mathematical abstract form. This is the most mathematical in form and contains equations and very technical discussion. A number of results in mathematical form are collected here.

  2. Number theory. Some results from Ramanujan theory. These results are incredibly interesting. A site with original work is also referenced.

  3. Economics and finance. Math for business. Some of our applied mathematical interests are in the area of money, business, and financial analysis. We will be stating more about this in the future at this location.

  4. Fibonacci numbers. We have done some work regarding the Fibonacci and related integer number sequences. We have prepared a separate web page regarding Fibonacci numbers and related items.

  5. We are working on more items, and we are also working on adding more items to this list. More work than listed here has been performed, so we are trying to bring out more results.

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