About the George Schils website

There is a lot to say about my website on aspects such as history, the shifting of interest and focus, and on techniques for creating my web pages. I almost do not know where to begin. Ultimately I would like to explain much since there is much to say, and I will try to begin.

Hodge Podge

This website admittedly is sort of a mess. This is partly due to the site being a collection of loosely connected web pages. The loose collection can appear to be disorderly. Another reason is that the website consists of a collection of several websites, some of which are archive sites. As a result, it can appear to be a mess. And in fact a lot of "the website" actually is a mess.


Many items on my site are not indexed well or are not indexed at all and can be hard to find. It can be a challenge to find something from the main page and I get some complaints to this effect. Indexing is harder than you think and generally I have expended a lot of effort to make things locatable, but this is never quite good enough, so I apologize. Ironically it is often better to use Google or Bing with the georgeschils.com name if you want to find something on my site. In other words, the major search engines can do a better job of indexing that what I have done.

There are many sets of index pages for the site and there are index pages of index pages. Keeping track of items and organizing material efficiently is not easy. Many attempts to do this have been made.

Creation Methods

My website may be interesting in some respects but how my website was created is also interesting. My website not only presents content but also exhibits a number of means and methods for creating the content itself. There can be a lot to say here. Some articles on this topic appear on the website. In other words, both the content itself and how the content was created are interesting topics. Some of the website discusses such generation aspects of web pages specifically. Much more can be said about this.


Portions of this website represent some old commercial interests, such as when I worked for FEREGO. Material listed under FEREGO was created by myself and copyright and intellectual property ownership is by myself. Some of the old FEREGO web pages may have advertised some products for sale. Such products may or may not still exist, or may be altered. In addition to FEREGO commercial products, other more recent commercial products do exist.

In some cases services or products implied by web page content may be available. In some cases, specific products may be advertised, exhibited, and for sale.

This website is mostly "informational", but there may be related commercial products or services in some cases.


The website contains writing at a variety of levels. It is mostly intended for popular audiences but a mixture, such as academic content, does exist.

Sometimes web pages are created as "tool practice", where almost anything is written just to get practice with a new tool or web page system (that may be free, purchased, or designed by myself).


A variety of tools are used to create these web pages, and have been used over the span of the last 15 years. Some of the tools are free, some are purchased commercial products, and some are tools or systems designed by myself. A variety of operating systems also have been used to create and/or generate content over the time in which I have been keeping my website. A variety of programming languages have been used to generate web pages. Much more can be said here. Not all of my pages are generated though, and most are still done by hand.

Time Span

My website goes back to about 1998, which is when I had my first web pages and presence on the internet. There have been some brief periods during which I did not have a web site or web presence.

Old Pages and Errors

This website contains many old pages. Some of these are part of archive websites. Many of these old pages may contain technical errors in the HTML itself. I would like to fix these old pages but do not have the time or resources. Many of the newer pages that I create may have fewer technical errors and some have no technical errors and actually pass rigorous verification tests.

Temporal Aspects

Time aspects apply to each web page. This has to do with how often a page is updated or equivalent pages are added. It also has to do with the length of time that the information is expected to be valid or applicable. Generally it is hard to specifically define this. Here are some general guidelines.

The above items: pages, blogs, and news are much like books, magazines, and newspapers, respectively, at least as far as how long the information might apply. These are only general guidelines.

There is no guarantee of the above guidelines. For example, a news entry might be the equivalent of an essay and might last for decades, and some web pages might be like news items. What this means is that exceptions to the above guidelines do occur. Exceptions to the above guidelines can be frequent or infrequent.


There are many sets of qualifications depending on the topic or area of my website. Different qualifications may apply to different items. In general, though, there is much uniformity in qualifications.